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Property Address:  939 East Concorda Drive, Tempe, Arizona
Subdivision Address:  Hughes Acres
Property Address: 939 East Concorda Drive, Tempe, Arizona Subdivision Address: Hughes Acres
Property Address:  939 East Concorda Drive, Tempe, Arizona
Subdivision Address:  Hughes Acres

Property Address: 939 East Concorda Drive, Tempe, Arizona
Subdivision Address: Hughes Acres

MediumPhoto emulsion on clear polyester support
DimensionsOverall: 2 x 2 in.; Small format; Horizontal image
ClassificationsDocumentary Artifact
Credit LinePhotograph by: Scott Solliday - City of Tempe Historical Museum
Catalog number2006.9.3566
DescriptionThis slide collection consists of 1990 slides taken by historian Scott Solliday that were used in part to survey and document post WWII subdivisions and residences that were built in the City of Tempe. The survey project, commissioned and published the City of Tempe was titled "Post World War II Subdivisions - Tempe, Arizona: 1945-1960"
Not on view